A couple weeks ago I had the pleasure of finally seeing one of my favourite Kiwi acts live! Unknown Mortal Orchestra have been in my playlists since they debuted with Ffunny Ffrends in 2011. It's been so great to see these guys have the successes that they do and be able to sell out venues across the globe!
The visuals of this show were everything I could've ever hoped for, including fuzzy rugs, fake plants, and a record player playing Miles Davis. They also match the group's shoe-gaze/lo-fi style of rock almost perfectly, with Ruban taking moments to chill back in the seat in stage. That, of course, was before he took off on an epic guitar solo through the crowd and around the entire venue.
They're latest album Sex&Food was released in early April, and is definitely on heavy rotation in my spotify. If you want to catch the group on tour, they're in Europe for a few more days, before heading back to the USA to catch any cities they missed earlier this year.